Mathematics Integrated with Computer Science through Scratch:
Curricular Modules for the Middle Grades
Download: All eight modules are available in one PDF by clicking the "Download PDF" button at right. Individual modules can be downloaded by scrolling down this page to the section titled "Resources" and selecting the module you wish, then following the instructions.Abstract: A project funded by the National Science Foundation, Computer Science Integrated with Mathematics in Middle Schools (CSIMMS) (DRL-1640039), brought middle-school mathematics teachers together with university computer science (CS) faculty and STEM education faculty to design, develop, and test curriculum modules in which CS is integrated into instruction for middle-school general-mathematics courses. The project developed integrated math/CS curriculum modules (for grades 6, 7, and 8), complete with student tasks and teacher materials to guide classroom implementation. Across the project, sixteen teachers from four middle schools representing different school contexts (both urban and suburban, serving students from a range of demographic and socioeconomic backgrounds) participated as members of the design team and trial testers of the math/CS modules. All modules underwent multiple years of testing and refinement, with extensive input from the teachers who co-designed and implemented them. Approximately 50-100 middle-school students participated in the classes of those who taught each year. The modules in this volume feature a range of models for integrating mathematics and computer science at the 6th and 7th grade levels. All modules foreground the teaching of grade-level mathematics content, with computer science functioning to motivate and/or reinforce these ideas.
Cover Design: by Laura Pellini, Florida State University Libraries.
- isbn978-1-7365779-6-7
- publisherFlorida State Open Publishing
- publisher placeTallahassee, FL
- restrictionsAttribution-NonCommercial
- rightsCC BY-NC 4.0
- rights holderChristine Andrews-Larson,Ellen Granger,Sherry A. Southerland,David Whalley,Xin Yuan
- doi
Single Resources
PDF PDF Module #2 - Factor Pairs & Programming Robots (grade 6)
PDF Module #3 - Unit Rates: A Need for Speed (grade 6)
PDF Module #4 - Combining Like Terms: Perimeter Prowess (grade 6)
PDF Module #5 - Mean: Sharing Equally and Points Per Game (grade 6)
PDF Module #6 - Integer Addition: Catch that Fruit! (grade 7)
PDF Module #7 - Integer Subtraction: Catch that Cake! (grade 7)
PDF Module #8 - Ratios and Proportions: Rollercoasters and Ramps (grade 7)
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